How to Tie a Fishing Knot Loop? – Safe From Snagging

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If you plan on going fishing, it is vital to have some knowledge about being able to tie some fishing knots. Knots are the key to catching fish. One of those knots is called the loop knot. This kind of knot is very easy to tie. Usually, the loop knots are one of the most valuable and widely used knots by fishermen. The reason this knot is one of the most widely sued knots by fishermen is that it is known to provide the lure more freedom for action in the water. A fishing knot loop is bound to increase the number of strikes you can get because as mentioned above, it provides the lure more freedom.

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ReferenceReady Fishing Knots Guides

The fishing knot loop that we are going to explain here will make your line safe from snagging. We will try to explain the whole procedure of the knot, in the following steps. We hope that by the end of the article, you would be able to tie the knot yourself. Before we begin listing the steps required to tie the loop knot, we would like to recommend to you that, it would be beneficial for you if you had a fishing lure or a hook and some fishing line with you at hand. This is because you may practice it along every step and boost your learning experience.

  1. The first step is to craft an overhand knot with your hands. After crossing the thread over itself, you need to wrap it around the alternate side. Then you need to pull that end back in your direction, by taking it through the center of the loop. Keep on tightening the loop until it’s the same size as a coin. The overhand knot should be made about ten cm from the end of the fishing line.
  2. The second step is all about threading the lure or the hook. Here you have to pass the ten cm end of the fishing line that you left earlier right through the loose overhand knot. Please note we made you leave the size of the loop equal to that of a coin so that you can pass the fishing line easily through it. After this step, please don’t tighten the loop just yet.
  3. This step is going to be a fairly easier one. What you need to do in this step is to wrap the fishing line over itself. Please wrap the end of the fishing line six-seven times you just passed through the loop in the previous step over the fishing line behind the loop
  4. Now after you have the fishing line wrapped over itself, take the wrapped end of the fishing line and pass it again through the loop, in the direction of the hook or lure, of the overhand knot you made earlier.
  5. The final step is about tightening up the loop. Just pull on the tag end of the line slowly and see the knot tighten up.

One thing to remember is that you need to dampen the knot before pulling it tight. This is because a dry line might cut through itself.

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