How to line a fishing pole for dummies or beginners
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How to line a fishing pole for dummies or beginners

There is always a first time for everything. If you absolutely have no idea how to line a fishing pole, you have arrived at the right place. I will help you to understand the basics of lining a fishing pole. First of all, do not worry a tad about your inexperience. Every expert fisherman out…

Fishing Knots With Braided Line in 11 Different Easy Ways
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Fishing Knots With Braided Line in 11 Different Easy Ways

Regardless of what level of fisherman you are, it is always important to have some basic knowledge of the types of fishing knots. If you know the types of knots necessary to master fishing help catch particular types of fishes. Then you will know the best type to tie the fishing knots with braided line….

Different types of fishing lures and their uses
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Different types of fishing lures and their uses

To catch fish you first need something to attract them. You may use fresh baits, live baits or you may carry a few different types of fishing lures available in the market. In any case, the attractant you use is essential to your success as an angler. Traditionally, fishermen used fresh baits, including live worms,…

How to put fishing line on a closed and open face reel
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How to put fishing line on a closed and open face reel

Your fishing line constantly faces things that can deteriorate its quality. These include elements like water, humidity, and the sun among others. Even regular use, casting, playing the fish, retrieving, and re-spooling, all take a toll of their own. Over weeks or months, these factors can weaken your fishing line resulting in more twists and…

Do Catfish Hook Themselves

Do Catfish Hook Themselves

Dozens of types of hooks are available for catfishing. They vary in design, style, pattern, size, color, weight, and material. Anglers choose them based on personal preferences. Correctly setting up the hook at the right time will ensure a successful fishing trip. Do catfish hook themselves? Catfish don’t hook willingly on their own unless you…

Is Salmon Fishing Dangerous?

Is Salmon Fishing Dangerous?

The coasts of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are the two primary locations where salmon pass their ocean phase. Salmon fishing is not as easy as some other fishes if you are fishing from rivers, streams, or coastal areas. Is salmon fishing dangerous? Salmon fishing is a bit difficult as they have thick skin…

What States Have Salmon Fishing?

What States Have Salmon Fishing?

Salmon fishes originated 6,000,000 years ago. But archaeologists discovered salmon 5,000 years ago. The first salmon was found in the Pacific Northwest during the Pre-1800s by coastal dwellers. You can salmon fish in several states of the USA. What states have salmon fishing? South Dakota, Maine, Alaska, New York, New Hampshire, Washington, California, etc., are…

Disabled Fishing Equipment for Handicap Fishing
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Disabled Fishing Equipment for Handicap Fishing

Fishing is fun for everyone. People with handicaps too can enjoy fishing as much as everyone else. In order to do so, they need specially designed disabled fishing equipment. These include gear and devices exclusively made to cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities. A physical handicap might be temporary or permanent. It can…